It has high mechanical and abrasion resistance. It is easy to clean, dust free, hygienic and antibacterial. It provides economical solution in use. It has very good adhesion property. If required, a detailed chemical resistance table can be requested from our sios technical service..
Usage areas
It is used as a road marking paint in determining traffic lines in factory production and storage areas, Auto service and maintenance stations, Highways.
Surface Quality
The concrete surface must be clean, sound and of sufficient compressive strength (at least 25 N / mm2), with a pull off strength of at least 1.5 N / mm2. The surface must be clean, dry and free from foreign materials such as dirt, oil, rust and surface curing materials. The slurry layer on the surface must be removed. (Shot-Blast, Rota Tiger, Milling, Sanding, Sandpaper etc.)
Surface Preparation
Mortar residue on the surface, etc. The selected primer is applied after it is removed by light sanding or brushing. Old paint, dirt, dust etc. on the old concrete and cement plaster surface. Loose particles such as sandblasting, scraping, brushing are removed. Oil and grease residues are cleaned with detergent water, if neutralization is required, the surface is wiped with 3-4% hydrochloric acid or acetic acid solution, washed with water jet and rinsed. The surface is dried with an industrial vacuum machine. It should be ensured that the floor is completely dry before applying the selected primer. It can be easily applied to asphalt, concrete and mosaic floors.
Method of Application
The product is in a ready-to-use position. It should be mixed with a mechanical mixer for a minimum of 3 minutes, and if necessary, it can be thinned by 5% with special thinner and can be applied with an airless and short pile roller.
The total theoretical consumption is 0,300 -0,450 kg / m2 in double layer.
Available in 20 kg metal packages.
Shelf life
It can be stored for a maximum of 12 months in closed areas at temperatures between + 5C and + 25C in its unopened original package. Opened material should be used as soon as possible.
Security Alert
During the application, no smoking and work should be done away from naked flames in well-ventilated areas. Hands and eyes should be protected with gloves and protective glasses. In case of material contact with eyes, eyes should be washed with plenty of water. Adequate ventilation is required during application. Ask your dealer for Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).