Home Media Blog WHAT IS THE EPOXY?

Epoxy is an adhesive chemical resin that is resistant to water,acids and alkali,does not lose its resistance over time. Epoxy was first introduced in Germany in 1939. It was found by Farben Industrie and used for the dental and medical sector. Epoxy floor coating has become one of the widely used materials of the construction sector due to its strong and strong adhesion properties over time. Epoxies, which are usually two-component, like other thermoset plastics, change from liquid to solid after a certain period of time and then reach their final hardness by curing within a week.

A wide range of colors epoxy, antibacterial properties, aesthetic, mechanical strength and chemical positive results with the monolithic view, with anti-slip and impermeability is an ideal solution when desired; and a catalyst or hardener and is cured with a chemical reaction agent polyepoksit synthetic resin is polymerized in the field. Each option of epoxy, which has many products, is produced and presented for separate floor and wall applications.

Areas of use:

  • Parking lots
  • Pharmaceutical factories
  • Hospitals, operating rooms and intensive care units
  • Food industry facilities
  • Heavy industry structures

Sports fields:

  • Hotels
  • Cold storage
  • Drinking water and waste water tanks
  • Stores, offices and every area where production is carried out.


Epoxy floor coating systems are recommended on floors where heavy traffic is intense, where industrial production is performed.Because epoxy coatings have the following advantages in industrial environments.

  • It is hygienic, provides antibacterial environments without dust.
  • It is extremely easy to clean.
  • Its mechanical, acid and chemical resistance is extremely high.
  • Resistant to heavy traffic and impact.
  • Water, etc. it is impervious to such fluids
  • It can be applied without attachments, without attachments in the desired colors.
  • Application time is quite short and easy to repair
  • It is antistatic and has electrical insularity.
  • Easy to clean and long service life.